Fail to plan, plan to fail…


For most people watching a Formula One race, the mention of ‘strategy’ is associated with on-the-spot decisions about when to make pit stops or which tyres to fit. But before a wheel even turns at the track, the strategy team has planned its approach to the practice sessions, qualifying and the race with meticulous precision. Nothing is left to chance and a multitude of possible scenarios are mapped out based on all the available data. This kind of detailed planning is also critical for change programmes within organisations. The change communication strategy should be an integral part of the change plan, addressing the ‘how, what, when and why’ of change.

Each month in the Comms Exchange newsletter, I will be exploring topics that come up often in the workplace around Communication and Employee Experience. My goal is to hopefully offer some ideas and tips that you might find useful.

This month, I look at how to create a change communication strategy and the importance of planning. As always, I also share some resources that I’ve found useful in case you are curious to find out more.

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I hope you find it useful!

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