Holding the Torch


When he was Team Principal at the Honda Racing Formula One Team, my former boss Ross Brawn had a quote on his office wall from Soichiro Honda, the founder of Honda Motor Co Ltd:

“You can’t lead the way unless you hold the torch in your hand. You can follow the lead of others who hold the torch; you will not stumble or fall, but you will never lead.”

When it comes to leading their organisation through a period of change, the role of the CEO is crucial and multifaceted. They are the face of the company and, as such, have a pivotal part to play in shaping the perception of change initiatives among employees, stakeholders, and the public. They need to carry the torch and light the way.

In the Comms Exchange newsletter this month, the theme of ‘Change’ continues as we explore the role of leaders, and in particular the CEO, in communicating organisational change.

  • What and how should the CEO communicate?
  • What should the CEO avoid doing?
  • How can Internal Comms teams support leadership during times of change?

As always, I’ll also share some resources that I’ve found useful in case you are curious to find out more.

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I hope you find it useful.

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